The World Housing Encyclopedia (WHE) is a collection of resources related to housing construction practices in the seismically active areas of the world. The mission is to share experiences with different construction types and encourage the use of earthquake-resistant technologies worldwide.
To learn more, check out the Construction Intros section for basic information about major building methods. To view profiles of housing types, explore our Housing Reports database, with over 170 housing profiles from more than 45 countries, all written by architects or engineers. Consult our Tutorials section for step-by-step guides for building earthquake-resistant dwellings. Also, get the latest publications of the Confined Masonry Design Guide, the Stone Masonry Tutorial and the newest reports or check out the building reports collected as part of the GEM Building Taxonomy Testing.
All of the content on this site has been contributed by volunteers. If you are interested in writing a housing report, tutorial, or have any other ideas for content, please write to us.