Framed Infill Network

Non-ductile concrete frames with unreinforced masonry walls added as infill after the frame has been built are one of the world’s most common, and most vulnerable, building types, as WHE participants are well aware. Despite often-poor seismic performance, infill buildings’ low construction costs mean that these buildings will continue to be built for the foreseeable future.In an effort to find new low-cost practical ways to improve the seismic safety of these buildings,GeoHazards International has received a small grant from EERI to begin work on a new initiative–the Framed Infill Network. This network will connect building professionals interested in developing new approaches that make intentional, beneficial use of infill walls by designing them as integral components of the concrete frame to create so-called “framed infill” systems. The network’s activities, which include developing draft engineering design guidelines for new buildings, a literature survey, and research needs summary, complement the ongoing efforts of several other WHE initiatives, including the Confined Masonry Network. If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in Framed Infill Network activities or in simply staying informed about the network, please contact Janise Rodgers of GeoHazards International (