Get Involved

Want to help? Great!  The World Housing Encyclopedia need’s your expertise to improve our understanding of the global building stock.

Describe a specific building

The GEM Building Taxonomy is a systematic attempt to characterize the global building

Describe a specific building such as your home or office using the Building Taxonomy tool creating by the Global Earthquake Model.

Provide Feedback:

Share Your Knowledge of Buildings in Your Country!

 World Housing Encyclopedia need your expertise to improve our understanding of the global building stock. You can do this by describing a building type  in your country using the TaxT tool (created by the Global Earthquake Model) and submitting your feedback. All it takes is five minutes.

Provide your feedback on the GEM Taxonomy:

There are four simple ways you can help test and evaluate the GEM Building Taxonomy:

Additional ways to get involved:


Step 1

1. Review the GEM Building Taxonomy

Step 2

2. Take a short survey

Step 3

3. Describe a building(s) using the GEM Taxonomy Tester (TaxT)

Step 4

4. Provide visual documentation (video or photos) of a building typology


Thank you for your participation. You are now part of a global network of experts who are  increasing understanding of the global building stocks seismic vulnerability and expanding the World Housing Encyclopedia’s knowledge base.

Don’t forget to submit your testing and evaluation materials (TaxT reports, photos, videos, and additional comments). If you have any questions please contact Hannah at