C.V.R. Murty

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur 2   1
INDIAPhone: +91 (512) 259  72  7

Fax: +91 (512) 259  7794
Email: cvrm@iitk.ac.in

C.V.R.Murty is Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. His specialization is  structural  earthquake  engineering.  His  research  interest  is  in  the  area  of  nonlinear behaviour of steel & reinforced concrete buildings and reinforced concrete bridges.

Murty  has  undertaken  post-earthquake  surveys  to  document  valuable  lessons   after  all the  significant  Indian  earthquakes  in  the  last  14  years.  He was  Team-Leader  for  a unique  EERI   Reconstruction   Reconnaissance  Survey  undertaken  after  the  massive reconstruction operations after the 2001 Bhuj earthquake.

He  has  contributed  to  significant  revisions of  the  Indian  seismic  codes   for  buildings  and bridges.  He  has  conducted  very  successful  continuing  education  programs  on  seismic design  in  India,  Nepal  and  Bhutan.  He  has  participated  in  two  successful  technical collaborations with CBRI Roorkee (India) and Tribhuvan University (Nepal).

Murty  is  the  author  of  the  very  popular  IITK-BMTPC   Earthquake   Tips,   a  public education  series  on  learning  earthquake  resistant  design  and  construction,  published regularly  in  leading  national  newspapers  and  journals.  The  book   has  received  the  best construction technique award from the Indian Concrete Institute in 2005.

Murty is a Principal Author of the “National Disaster Management Policy  and Guidelines – Earthquakes”,    a   policy   document    (under   finalization)   by    the   National    Disaster Management  Authority,  Government  of  India.  This  is  the  primary  policy  document identifying comprehensive action plan  items to be undertaken towards seismic safety in India.

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